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Nike Shox Turbo 21 KPU Women Shoes Rose Fushia Pink Black
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Nike Shox Turbo 21 KPU Women Shoes Rose Fushia Pink Black

Typ produktu: Dámsky beh

Veľký výpredaj
  • 148.78 EUR

84.47 EUR

(Ušetrite 43 %)

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 Famous around the world with unsurprassed quaity,stylish apperance and innovative design concept,the Women Nike Shox Turbo 21 series enjoys wide popularity around the world.The mesh leather leather was covered in the appearance of the shoe with full colorways accent designed in the "Swoosh" logo that not only provide with unsurprassed quality but also represented the remarkable status of this version.Besides of the outstanding appearance,the excellent functional performance is another advantage of this version.The effective Phylon midsole with TPU panel and innovative Nike Shox technology were brought in the design of this Womens Nike Shox series to provide with multi-functional performance which have satisfied multipurpose requirement of people.And they are on cheap sale on our Kobe And KD Shoes website.

Women Nike Shox Turbo 21 Black Pink Shoes are designed with outstanding performance and innovative design concept,and the leather are covered in the appearance of the shoes with nice coloreways designed in the inner lining,outsole and Swoosh logo which not only ensured the satisfactory quality but also added feminine atmosphere of the grace performance.The traditional rubber herringbone pattern outsole with Nike Shox technology and injected Phylon midsole were implanted in the constructure design that not only proved the matured technology of Womens Nike Shox but also have improved the comprehensive performance to a large degree.And they are on cheap sale on our Kobe And KD Shoes website

Pravidlá prepravy

Poloha Spôsob dopravy cena
Doručenie DO US - Čiastka objednávky nižšia ako 191.98 EUR USPS 9.6 EUR
Poštovné DO US- Objednávka je vyššia ako 191.98 EUR USPS Zadarmo

Časové rámce leteckých a pozemných zásielok sú len pracovné dni a nezahŕňajú víkendy a/alebo sviatky.

*Všetky náklady na dopravu sú zahrnuté. Žiadne ďalšie dane alebo poplatky za doručenie.



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Napísať recenziuNike Shox Turbo 21 KPU Women Shoes Rose Fushia Pink BlackNapísať recenziu

These shoes are for my mom and she like them

Uverejnil sally bauer (Uverejnené dňa 2021-11-11)

These shoes are for my mom and she like them so well that I just ordered a pair in my size for me.

Love them

Uverejnil stephanie elser (Uverejnené dňa 2020-01-11)

Love them


Uverejnil nancy (Uverejnené dňa 2018-04-22)

Ive many pairs of shoes, but my favourite pair are my shoxs. Ive had them for almost a year and a half, I take care of my shoes well and are in great condition. They are extermely comfortable, I am buying another pair soon. Recomended for anyone for everyday use or running. If your looking for a good pair of shoes thatll last get these, if your easy on them they will last forever!!!
