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나이키 에어 조던 XIII 13 레트로 로우 BG GS 초등학교 310811 027 새 제품, 신발, 운동화를
이미지 위로 마우스를 이동하거나 클릭하여 확대하세요.

나이키 에어 조던 XIII 13 레트로 로우 BG GS 초등학교 310811 027 새 제품, 신발, 운동화를


제품 유형: 숙녀 농구

뜨거운 판매
  • 266,670 KRW

121,000 KRW

(54% 할인)

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더 많은 선택:
Nike Air Jordan 13 Retro Low BG Hornets GS Women Shoes 310811 107 Nike Air Jordan XIII 13 Retro Low BG GS Grade School White Black 310811 001 Air Jordan 13 Retro Low Gs Pure Money Platinum White Silver Metallic 310811-100 Nike Air Jordan XIII 13 Retro Low Men Grade School White Black 310811 001 Nike Air Jordan XIII 13 Retro Low BG GS Grade School 310811 027 New Air Jordan 13 Retro Low Gs Metallic Black Varsity White Silver Red 310811-105 Air Jordan 13 Retro Low Gs 2017 Brave Blue Black Silver Metallic 310811-407 Air Jordan 13 Retro Low Gs 2017 Chutney Black 310811-022

 Red black and white is the color of bull! 1998 the first pair of AIR JORDAN 13 RETRO LOW issue up to now, only the red in 2005, too white, but there is no time that the Bulls color, 2015 AIR JORDAN 13 RETRO LOW to AIR JORDAN XIII " PLAYOFF "is both familiar and is modeled on the introduction of a new color

Upper height: help low
Sports Series: Basketball Culture Shoes

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리뷰를 작성나이키 에어 조던 XIII 13 레트로 로우 BG GS 초등학교 310811 027 새 제품, 신발, 운동화를리뷰를 작성

Excellent shoe!

게시자 : Rusty (게시일: 2021-11-07)

Excellent shoe!

Little big but comfortable

게시자 : Cory Mraz (게시일: 2021-05-07)

I like them a lot but they are a little big in the toes. I think the 10s would be too tight so I am sticking with these. I intend to wear them a lot and feel they will mold to my feet. Overall, comfortable and good purchase.

Five Stars

게시자 : sjurado (게시일: 2020-08-09)

Nike quality. not necessary words!

Great shoes!

게시자 : David nummela (게시일: 2019-11-24)

My son loves these shoes and I love the price! Its so hard to find double wide mens shoes.

Extremely comfortable

게시자 : marcelina (게시일: 2019-04-15)

This product is indeed useful and worth buying.They feel extremely comfortable yet sturdy.

Five Stars

게시자 : mrc (게시일: 2018-09-20)

Fits great looks great ! Good price

Excellent work shoes for hard walking

게시자 : walter j rygiel (게시일: 2017-12-10)

Excellent work shoes that last a year of hard walking. I love NIke and these shoes work well in the work place as they dark brown tones work great.

Five Stars

게시자 : John Atkins (게시일: 2017-06-05)

Im hard to fit and they shoes feel comfortable.

Love my sneakers

게시자 : Keikei (게시일: 2016-12-05)

Love them. Would like to buy two more but different colors.

로드 중..